Deploying the Network Manager

Required Software

  • Python 2.7.x

    • Python pip utility
  • Git



  1. We will store all our Network Manager related software in a NetworkManager/ directory. Note you can store this wherever you like (or name it whatever you like)

    $ cd ~/Downloads        #temporary storage, choose where you want this to be
    $ mkdir NetworkManager
  2. Clone the DustyPyManager repository with Git

    $ cd ~/Downloads/NetworkManager/
    $ git clone
  3. Install the required Python packages with your pip utility;

    $ cd DustyPyManager
    $ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Install the SmartMesh SDK for Python

    Download the smartmesh-sdk from DustCloud Github and extract it into NetworkManager/

    $ cd ~/Downloads/NetworkManager/smartmeshsdk-master    # I.e. to the parent folder of the downloaded item
    $ py -2 install
    $ py -2 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Configure your AWS CLI environment

    $ aws configure


To test that everything is functional, connect the DC2274A-A device to your computer and run the tests

$ cd NetworkManager/DustyPyManager

$ py -2 -m DustyPyManager.tests.runner