Flashing the Dusty Module

Please see section: Project-HowTo’s/Required Software for the full guide.



The Dusty module must not be connected to anything during this process.

  1. Make a backup of the current image loaded on the Dusty Module:
$ ESP.exe -r IPM_A01_flash.bin
  1. Download the Flash images from the git repository
$ git clone https://github.com/CloudSevenConsulting/DustyFlash.git
  1. Navigate to the latest release (in this case IPM_B03)


All IPM_B are currently being withheld from release due to confidentiality issues. Please contact Cloud Seven Consulting (cloudsevenconsulting@gmail) for more information.

$ cd DustyFlash/IPM_Release_B03/
  1. Flash the image
$ ESP.exe -P IPM_B03_Fuse.bin 0                 # Fuse Table
$ ESP.exe -P mote_part_r52074.bin 800           # Partition Table
$ ESP.exe -P mote_ip_1_4_1_8_oski.bin 1000      # Main Executable
$ ESP.exe -P loader_1_0_6_4_oski.bin 77800      # Loader