System Timing¶
System timing for the sensor-host is managed in the sm_qsl/dn_time
module (as of release 0.6a).
In particular the functions uint32_t dn_time_ms(void)
and void dn_sleep_ms(uint32_t milliseconds)
are crucial in time management for the Dusty-to-DuinoPRO communication
Advanced sleeping functions should be incorporated here if future developers wish to improve the system performance
CSC has not implemented a watchdog timer due to time restrictions, however this will be crucial for long-term unsupervised operation of the sensor-host. It is likely a non-responsive network or Dusty module will cause the system to halt execution indefinitely.
The watchdog timer will be crucial in managing this
This can be handled in sm_qsl/dn_watchdog
In particular
#include "dn_watchdog.h"
void dn_watchdog_feed(void)
// ...