Sensor Host Modules

Each module should be encapsulated into folder for good organization of code

The current existing modules are

Module Layer Purpose
sys System Core Core system functions
sm_clib Network Core C functions for SmartMesh-IP protocol
sm_qsl Network API for Dusty communication
Testing Application Testing framework
sample Application Functions pertaining to process variable and memory handling
usart Network Programming interface between the qsl and duinoPRO

Adding Modules

1. To add a module, a new folder must be created through Atmel Studio 7. This ensures the .cpproj file is updated, and the Makefile builds the entire solution correctly.

  1. The header files from this module must then be included in the main entry point main/main.cpp
 * Core
#include "port.h"
#include "dp_sm.h"
#include "dp_conf.h"
#include "sample/sensor.h"

// ...

extern "C" {
    #include "sm_qsl/dn_qsl_api.h"

If the module is .c based module, then use the extern key word.

  1. The initialisation of the module must occur in the setup() routine.
void setup()

    // initialise

Note that if initialisation of the module should not occur in testing builds, wrap the initialisation in a preprocessor conditional build.

For example:
