DuinoPro and ArduinoIDE integration

To develop with the ArduinoIDE:

  1. Download the DuinoPro installation .zip


Waiting for Client approval to publish these files. CSC please refer to folder# 03.11

  1. From the installation .zip copy files into your computer as follows:
  1. Modify the package_duinopro_index.json file as follows:
    "packages": [
            "platforms": [
                "version": "1.0.1",
  1. Open the Arduino IDE and open your preferences (Ctrl+,). Modify the Additional Boards Manager URL field to:
  1. Select your board in Tools


With your board set in step 4 above, use the following sketch to test your build:

//These are required for the DuinoPRO library
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SPI.h>

#include <duinoPRO.h>

void setup() {
  // Testing the DuinoPRO library
  duinoPRO myBaseBoard;


void loop() {
  // We don't need this


Some warnings will appear, JP yet to debug these